Everyday is Mental Health Day right?

Today is world mental health day! Which initially was very triggering for me. Everyday feels like a mental health exercise. & I’m kinda tired of it.

I still keep pushing & trying to feel centered. It’s tough with the state of the world & uncertainty about a safe future. However I somehow muster up the ability to feel glimpses of peace daily.

Something I’ve been doing recently to keep this noggin together is fulfilling a running goal. The goal is 15 days straight of ten minute runs. I’m four days in and I just about dread it right before I leave my house.

Mid-run is when I feel like I’m flying and then it’s over!

Mental health for means also giving up something I’ve needed to for a while. A job that’s drained my life force for the past two years but given me so much financial stability. Supposedly the 15th of October is not only a New Moon but also an eclipse. all signs point to me having the support to create a new beginning point, letting go, and a fresh start.

I’m terrified. But hoping the universe will take care of me for following through on my principles.

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